About Us
One man shop that is Baltic Bows. For now…

My name is Andis and I am founder and master bowyer of Baltic Bows. I’ve been fascinated with bows ever since I was 5 years old and saw the eighties Robin of Sherwood re-run on TV where Robin Hood took down a mounted knight with just a bow and arrow. This made an enormous impression on me and I decided I must have a bow. It all started with just some bent sticks of Juniper and Hazel but years went by and the bent stick was a good antidote to boredom on those long summer days.
My next encounter with the traditional archery came across when I was studying law in the capital. One day after the exams I came across an archery booth and I went for a few shots. I remembered how fun it was to shoot a bow, decided I should build one again and do this more often and the rest just fell into place. I ended up not working a single day in the profession I got a degree in and just went for it. And I have never regretted it.
Some bowyers are archers first and then a bowyer second but I am definitely the other way around. Looking back I always a have been more obsessed by making bows instead of shooting them. That doesn’t take away the fun of archery but bow building is even more fun for me. Bow building to me is a perfect way of craftsmanship – hand on work, creativity and a light engineering. I will always offer beautiful and unique bows because that is what keeps the flame going.